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For Birth Partners, Family, and Friends
How You Can Help Your Partner or Loved One Have an Empowered Birth
As a partner, friend, or family member, you play a key role in the support network of the pregnant people in your life!
They are looking to you for reassurance, support, and to help them through this transitional time whether it’s becoming a parent for the first time or they’re on their fifth baby!
What you say and do can make or break their confidences, so if you’re here then it’s a good bet you want to avoid the second one!
How You Can Help
The good news is that the resources here at Empowering Moms can help direct your loved one to information that can help them learn their options, their rights, and how to advocate for themselves in their maternity care! By discovering this website you now have the knowledge to pass down to your loved one so they can fully access the resources and start their Empowered Birth journey. As part of their Support Network, here are some other ways to help the pregnant people in your life:
Encourage Them to Join Our Facebook Community (and consider joining yourself)!
Through our Empowered Birth Community, you and your loved one will receive weekly tips for a variety of topics related to Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Breastfeeding, and more! You’ll also gain a larger network of support from other expecting families; with additional connection to doulas, midwives, nurses, and birth advocates. Each week we hold a live video class or interview with other birth professionals!
By inviting your loved one to utilize this community, you will be able to help them get the information on their rights, their options, the latest evidence and practices, and how they can have an Empowered Birth!
Follow our social media channels and share the posts regularly
Most of our videos come first through our Facebook Group, and then we post them to our other social media channels, including our YouTube channel. We also routinely share articles, events, promotions, and other valuable information from the pages of our affiliates and others in the birth world whose mission is to empower moms in their births. By sharing our content, you increase exposure and it’s more likely to help other people in your life who are pregnant or may become pregnant in the future. Many of our Empowered Moms have gained confidence in their birth planning from reading these shared articles or by watching our videos, and it’s an easy way to get the information out there without the fear of being “pushy” about it.
Share Positive Birth Stories and Educate Yourself on Birth
You want the best for your loved ones and you may even be worried for them considering how many horror stories are out there about things “going wrong” in labor! That said, your pregnant family members or friends can pick up on your fear more than you realize, and that can cause them to doubt themselves whether you intended to worry them or not. The best thing you can do is educate yourself with our free video classes and encourage your pregnant partners, family members, and friends to do the same. This will prevent them from getting out-dated information that may not apply to today’s maternity care practices and guidelines, or that is not based in evidence, and they will be less likely to receive mixed messages that lead to misconceptions about their pregnancy or how to best plan their birth and postpartum.
Read The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin
This guide book will have everything you need to support your loved one in their birthing time. You can pick up a copy and visit the website for more information.
Help them get a Doula
A doula is an investment for an empowered birth and studies have shown that this one-to-one support can help lessen the perception of pain in labour and birth, keep both the mother/birthing person and their partner calmer, help reduce the number of interventions in birth, lower the likelihood of a cesarean, help get breastfeeding off to a good start, and lead to a more positive birth and postpartum.
Here at Empowering Moms, we have a wide network both in the Lower Mainland where we are based as well as connections across North America. We can also refer clients residing in BC to the Doula Services Association for more information and resources. If you would like to help your loved one find a doula in your area, contact Carly@EmpoweringMomsBirth.com
Investment in a doula is usually about $1K though some charge less and some charge more based on level of experience and what their package includes for additional services and support. It’s best to start interviewing early in pregnancy and clients of Empowering Moms are encouraged to invest in a doula as part of their birth planning.
As part of their larger support network, you can help ease the financial strain of this investment by enlisting other family and friends of your pregnant loved ones in pooling their money toward a doula, rather than purchasing the usual baby outfits, diapers, etc.
Babies grow fast, and much of those baby gadgets end up collecting dust after a few months, if they get much use at all! But your loved one will remember their birth for the rest of their lives. They deserve to have the best experience possible.
Give them the ultimate gift for an Empowered Birth!
Looking for the perfect gift to get your loved one that will last much longer than a new baby outfit or other baby gear? Empowering Moms offers a variety of services and classes to help expecting parents avoid birth trauma & preventable cesareans, and go into their parenting journey with confidence in their body and their ability to make decisions for themselves and their families. Many of our courses and programs are designed in a way that they can be completed in a week or less and come with at 30-day money-back guarantee! We know you will especially love the Get Your Partner on Board With Your Birth Plan course. It will allow your partner to communicate exactly what they want for their birth WITHOUT you having to take all the classes and read all the books! ​​
Social approval is a very powerful motivator and can influence the choices your loved one will make for their birth.
Unfortunately our current birth culture has led to more intervention, pressure from care providers, and 1 in 3 pregnancies are now resulting in a cesarean that could otherwise have been prevented had the mother had the support to choose what was best for them. When your loved one feels they have a choice and that you believe in their ability to make decisions that are best for them, not just what’s normalized in our birth culture, you automatically become a valuable part of their journey to an Empowered Birth!