Learn the Secrets to Planning and GETTING Your True Natural Birth
"Empowered Birth isn’t just an idea, it’s a true gift that will transform all aspects of your life, and no one will ever be able to take your power away from you ever again"
~Carly Bonderud, author of "Your Empowered Birth"
Your True Natural Birth Education and Empowered Birth Training starts here!
Click on the videos below to watch some of our free masterclasses!
P.S. when you're finished, make sure you also check out the Empowered Birth Starter Guide!
Secrets to Planning Your True Natural Birth
Your True Natural Birth Blueprint:
How to get your True Natural Birth and avoid falling into the biggest traps
that lead to cesareans and inductions
In this Masterclass I lay out the big misconceptions about why birth "doesn't work" and how to get a True Natural Birth in our medical system and avoid the most insidious of Natural Birth Traps. You'll also hear 3 positive birth stories of moms who reclaimed their power and experienced True Natural Birth with the odds stacked against them!
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
Your Crash Course for True Natural Birth
The last weeks of pregnancy, labor stages, and why you can't follow the textbook if your goal is to avoid unnecessary medical intervention
In this class I lay out the basics of True Natural Birth and how it ACTUALLY unfolds, based on the True Natural Birth physiology of how our bodies and babies work together. You'll also learn WHY so many births in the hospital end up being traumatic and unnecessarily painful, and why complications often arise when interventions are introduced. Learn everything from what to expect in the last few weeks all the way to the Golden Hour!
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
Secrets to Getting Past Fear and Anxiety
Your Fearless Birth:
How to stop being afraid and plan your birth with power
In this Masterclass I lay out the 3 Fear Traps that you can fall into when planning your True Natural Birth, and how these traps can sabotage your efforts to getting that Empowered Birth experience. I also share 3 positive stories of moms who overcame their fear and healed from previously traumatic births who went on to have their amazing True Natural Birth experiences, including an unassisted homebirth after 2 previous cesareans (HBA2C) and an unassisted hospital VBAC.
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
Why Is Birth Trauma So Common?
Addressing the truth about why we have so many "horror stories"
In this short video I lay out the real reason why so many moms end up experiencing birth trauma, even when they were otherwise healthy and planning a natural birth.
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
The Truth About Fear
Why you're still afraid or anxious despite "educating" yourself on birth
In this video clip from inside Your Empowered Birth Workshop I address the reasons why so many moms are afraid of natural birth and how to get OUT of that mindset
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
The 5 Trauma Responses
Why you end up "crumbling under the pressure" when it comes to advocating for yourself
In this video clip from inside Your Empowered Birth Workshop I address how past trauma (and we ALL have trauma in some form) can lead to you giving up on your dream birth or giving in to the medical pressure to induce or agree to unwanted medical intervention.
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
Birth Advocacy and Declining Induction
The Induction Trap:
What you need to know before you agree to induce your labor
In this class I lay out the truth about induction and warn you of the Induction Traps you could fall into at the end of your pregnancy and what you need to know to avoid getting tricked out of your True Natural Birth.
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
The 3 Big Mistakes You're Making When Deciding Whether to Induce
Before you make your decision, make sure you haven't fallen into these traps
In this mini masterclass I lay out the 3 big mistakes you're making when asking about induction or trying to make a decision on whether to agree to one. I address how to avoid "crumbling under the pressure" and share a quick trick that will help you decide whether you REALLY want to induce, or if it's just fear and anxiety messing with your ability to trust your intuition and let your baby pick their birthday.
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
3 Reasons to Wait for Labor
When the pressure is on to induce, it might be helpful to remember WHY you're waiting...
In this video clip from inside Your Empowered Birth Workshop I teach you about the 3 major systems your baby is perfecting in those final weeks, and why you don't want to rush them out just because you hit a certain date on the calendar.
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
Top 3 Birth Advocacy Mistakes
Learn how to advocate for yourself the RIGHT way and avoid crumbling under the pressure
In this mini masterclass I lay out the 3 big mistakes you're making when advocating for yourself. I address how to avoid "crumbling under the pressure" and share a magic phrase that will level the playing field with your care provider and STOP the "pushback" when you express your desire for a True Natural
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
Secrets to Getting Your Partner On Board
Top 3 Mistakes You're Making When Preparing Your Partner
Learn the secret to teaching your partner how to advocate for you against the medical system
In this mini masterclass I lay out the 3 big mistakes you're making when you're trying to train up your partner to become your advocate and fully support your birth plan. I'll also teach you my secret trick to get your partner to agree to anything you want in your birth, even if they're currently freaking out.
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
Planning Your Empowered, True Natural Birth
How to Plan Your True Natural Birth for First Time Moms
Your quick-start guide to getting past fear and planning your birth with power
In this mini masterclass I lay out the big mistake you're making as a First Time Mom planning your True Natural Birth, and what you need to do to avoid unnecessary medical interventions and birth trauma.
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
How to Plan Your True Natural Birth for Seasoned Moms
Your quick-start guide to healing from a past traumatic birth and planning your birth with power
In this mini masterclass I lay out the big mistake you're making as a Seasoned Mom planning your True Natural Birth, and what you need to do to keep from repeating your past and get the birth you deserved the first time.
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.
How to Plan Your True Natural Birth for VBAC Moms
Your quick-start guide to planning your Empowered VBAC
In this mini masterclass I lay out the big mistake you're making as a VBAC Mom planning your True Natural Birth, and what you need to do to avoid an unnecessary repeat c-section and get the birth you deserved the first time.
P.S. when you're finished, you might want to check out what's inside Your Empowered Birth Academy, my signature program that teaches you how to get past your fear, find the loopholes in the medical system's policies, train up your partner, and confidently advocate for yourself against care provider "push back" on your desire for a True Natural Birth.