Why So Many Birth Courses Miss the Mark
Do you know why so many births end in trauma?
It's NOT because you need to lower your expectations.
The problem is that most prenatal education focuses on teaching you the wrong things, so you don't know all your options and you don't know how to plan and get that beautiful birth experience you're actually meant to have. In addition, the tips for advocacy often focus on your care provider as the "expert" (especially if the course is taught by a nurse) and you're in an uneven power dynamic.
The other problem is that in order to advocate for yourself AND make a true informed decision in a collaborative relationship with your partner and your care provider, you have another factor to account for that few courses on natural birth will address... THEIR fear!
Ultimately, this leads to you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and unsupported by the people who are supposed to be on your side, and it can lead to power struggles with your care provider or rifts in your relationship with your partner.
This then causes you to get into a never-ending cycle I call the "information loop" where you keep trying to provide "evidence" to convince your care provider, your partner, or both that what you want for your birth IS what's best for you.
But a person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still, and THAT is where the Empowered Birth Method comes in!
You Deserve to Have an Amazing Empowered Birth!
Your Empowered Birth Academy isn't just another childbirth course!
Using the powerful 5-Pillar framework for Empowered Birth and the Phoenix Effect to overcome all fear and adversity, you will be able to recognize the innate power within yourself to birth your baby with complete confidence, no matter what comes up in the course of your pregnancy. You'll also learn some POWERFUL conflict resolution and persuasion techniques that I learned from a top relationship coach that have helped change the minds of even the most stubborn partners and care providers of the clients I've supported through this method.
In addition, these tools will help you learn how to get EXACTLY what you want in your birth experience AND get your support team 100% on board EVEN if they were resistant before! These tricks are SO powerful that they even resulted in a high risk mom having a completely unassisted hospital VBAC, and another couple having a VBA3C within a health system that flat out refused to support VBAC. If THEY can do it, YOU can too!
The secret, of course, is the Empowered Birth Method...
The Revolutionary Program That Empowers Your Motherhood!
In this signature program you will learn:
Session I: Your True Natural Birth Roadmap
Trying to give birth without ANY medical interference within a medical system hell-bent on scaring you isn't easy. With this session, you'll uncover the secret loopholes that allow you to birth at home OR in the hospital completely HANDS-OFF (until you say otherwise)!
This session covers:
Biggest misconceptions about why natural birth “fails”
The 3 tips for a more peaceful natural birth
Examples of how natural birth can be derailed in the medical system and how to avoid it happening to you.
Further reading materials and resources
Creating the possibility of the birth vision
Session II: How to Get Past Your Fear and Trust Your Instincts
Go beyond the basics with powerful fear-release techniques and frameworks designed to keep you from crumbling under the pressure of the medical system no matter how high the stakes seem.
This session covers:
Why the system and our birth culture contributes to your fear
How the 5 Pillars help you to get out of that fear
The secret 5-minute techniques that get you out of fear FAST
How to identify and challenge the hidden fears that will sabotage your birth experience
Session III: How to Get Your Partner On Board
Even the most resistant of partners can be persuaded to support your birth plans when you learn these powerful tricks adapted from a top tier relationship and love coach! Create a more connected relationship and train your partner up to be the greatest advocate and protector for you whether you freebirth at home or in the hospital!
This session covers:
Your partner’s true role in your birth and during pregnancy
How to prepare them without having them read a ton of books or watch classes online (and why this doesn’t work like you think it should)
The secret trick to have ANY conversation with your partner AND get what you want (warning: do not use for evil)
How I get my clients whose partners are afraid of homebirth to agree to homebirth; even unassisted birth
Session IV: How to Get Your Care Provider to Support Your Birth Plan
Do you struggle with advocating for yourself when the pressure is on or your care provider keeps throwing out scary statistics? These powerful tricks have helped even the most "high risk" moms turn their OB or midwife into their biggest supporters for their dream birth.
This session covers:
Your care provider’s true role in your birth and during pregnancy
How to avoid hiring or staying with the wrong OB or midwife
The secret trick to get your care provider to stop fighting against you and instead fight FOR you against the system
How to deal when the medical system doesn’t want to let go of their agenda, so that it doesn’t affect your birth
Session V: How to Write Your Fail-Proof Birth Plan
Go beyond the typical birth plan to create your backup plans, pregnancy plan, and postpartum plan for a fully customized and fail-proof birth plan.
This session covers:
The true purpose of your birth plan (that few people know about)
The big mistakes you’re making in writing your birth plan
The secret trick to making your birth plan “fail-proof”.
What’s possible with the Empowered Birth Plan Method
Get The Program for
Only $297
Upon clicking the button, you will be taken to a separate purchase page through Mailerlite. Click the logo or Buy button on this page to be taken to the checkout button and secure Stripe purchase page. The entire course will be delivered to you via email immediately after purchasing and you can download everything for lifetime access. After this point, you have 30 days to go through the entire course. If you are not completely satisfied, please contact our team and show us your COMPLETED workbook and exercises and tell us the results you aren't happy with, and we will refund your purchase AND you can keep the entire course as our gift to you.
We are COMMITTED To You Having An Empowered Birth!
Empowered Birth isn't just an idea, it's a transformation!
Not only do you learn the tricks and techniques to have a truly beautiful and empowering birth experience, the REAL gift is how the experience will transform you into a more powerful, fully expressive, and inspiring role model for your family, your partner, and you'll tap into your full potential.
Women who have had Empowered Births have seen other aspects of their lives transform as well, and they come to their motherhood with more confidence in asking for what they want and need to THRIVE. The key to raising successful, happy kids is to have a happy, healthy mom, and YOU deserve to have the best roadmap to success!
By learning the 5 Pillar system for Empowered Birth, you'll have everything you need.
In Addition To Your Empowered Birth Academy, You Will Also Get...
A 5-Part Mini Training that will help you identify, challenge, and release any fears that are holding you back and keeping you from taking control of your birth, so that you don't wind up being controlled instead!
A 5-Part Mini Training that will help you identify, challenge, and release any fears your partner has, so that they'll feel more confident supporting you in getting the birth you actually want...WITHOUT having them read a bunch of books or take all the classes!

The COMPLETE 6-part workshop that started it all! You'll learn the basics of True Natural Birth, avoid the common Fear Traps and Induction Traps, and get the basics of Empowered Birth. This course is included in case you do not already have it, and works in tandem with Your Empowered Birth Academy. See the full program here.

Get the complete video reading of Your Empowered Birth. Even if you already have the book in your possession, sometimes you just want to listen to it. Rather than an audio version, why not get the FULL visual experience where I read the book to you chapter by chapter, AND tell you more details and anecdotes of what the Empowered Birth Method can do for you in all aspects of your life?
Get The Whole System for
Only $297
Upon clicking the button, you will be taken to a separate purchase page through Mailerlite. Click the logo or Buy button on this page to be taken to the checkout button and secure Stripe purchase page. The entire course will be delivered to you via email immediately after purchasing and you can download everything for lifetime access. After this point, you have 30 days to go through the entire course. If you are not completely satisfied, please contact our team and show us your COMPLETED workbook and exercises and tell us the results you aren't happy with, and we will refund your purchase AND you can keep the entire course as our gift to you.