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The Empowered Birth Library
Skip Google and grab the best resources on everything Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, and Motherhood
Click on the Links in the Contents to go to your chosen section.
Pregnancy: Everything from conception before birth
~Planning and Preparing in Pregnancy: Planning an Empowered Birth from the start
Informed Choice: Understanding Our Rights to Bodily Autonomy
Choosing a Care Provider: Beyond the Midwife/Doctor Debate
Doula Support: The Birth "Sherpas"
Birth Trauma: Recognition and Healing
~Your Health and Wellness: Giving You and Baby Your Best Chance
Nutrition: Eating well for pregnancy and an empowered birth
Fitness: What to know about weight and fitness
Managing Pregnancy Discomfort: Aches & pains, Morning sickness, bloating, constipation, heartburn and more
~You and Your Baby: What to Expect
First Trimester: The first 3 months and what to expect
Second Trimester: The middle 3 months and what to expect
Third Trimester: The last 3 months and what to expect
~Common Tests and procedures in Pregnancy: Making Informed Decisions
Membrane Stripping/Sweeping: What you need to know before you agree to a sweep
Vaginal Exams/Cervical Checks: Understanding the option of a vaginal exam before and during labour
GBS Testing: Risks and benefits of testing and alternative treatments for prevention
Glucose Tolerance Test: Risks and benefits of testing, alternative options, and prevention
~Complications and Variations in Pregnancy: When You're "High Risk"
Advanced Maternal Age: When you're over 35
Grand Multiparity: The Well-Seasoned Mama of 4 kids and counting.
Large for Gestational Age: When they tell you that your baby is "large for dates"
Small for Gestational Age: When they tell you that your baby is "small for dates"
Low Fluid: When amniotic fluid levels are guessed to be too low
Group B Strep: When your GBS test comes up positive
Gestational Diabetes: When your Glucose Tolerance Test is positive
Hypertension, Pre-Eclampsia, and Liver Problems: When you have high blood pressure or complications from high blood pressure.
Placenta Complications: When the placenta's functioning or positioning is in question
Breech Babies: The other variation of normal
Twins and Multiples: When you have more than one bun in the oven
Labor and Birth: Everything you need to know about the big day!
~Preparing for Birth: When you're counting the days to labor day
Waiting for Labour: The Last Few Weeks
~The "Overdue" Baby~ When you go past 40 weeks
Midwifery Care: Everything you need to know about midwives
Doula Support: The Birth "Sherpas"
~Natural Birth: Supporting Your Birth Physiology
~Home Birth~ When you really don't want a hospital birth
--HBAC (Home Birth After Cesarean) Home birth for VBAC Moms
~Free Birth~ Birthing without assistance
Breech Birth: The Other Variation of Normal
Multiple Births: When There's More Than One Bun in the Oven
~Hospital Birth: When Home Isn't an Option
Second Trimester: The middle 3 months and what to expect
Third Trimester: The last 3 months and what to expect
~VBAC: Planning Your Labor and Birth After a Previous Cesarean
~Common Procedures in Medicalized Labor and Birth
Membrane Stripping/Sweeping: What you need to know before you agree to a sweep
Vaginal Exams/Cervical Checks: Understanding the option of a vaginal exam before and during labour
GBS Testing: Risks and benefits of testing and alternative treatments for prevention
Glucose Tolerance Test: Risks and benefits of testing, alternative options, and prevention
~Complications and Variations in Labor and Birth: When Something Is Wrong
Advanced Maternal Age: When you're over 35
Grand Multiparity: The Well-Seasoned Mama of 4 kids and counting.
Large for Gestational Age: When they tell you that your baby is "large for dates"
Small for Gestational Age: When they tell you that your baby is "small for dates"
Low Fluid: When amniotic fluid levels are guessed to be too low
Group B Strep: When your GBS test comes up positive
Gestational Diabetes: When your Glucose Tolerance Test is positive
Hypertension, Pre-Eclampsia, and Liver Problems: When you have high blood pressure or complications from high blood pressure.
Placenta Complications: When the placenta's functioning or positioning is in question
Breech Babies: The other variation of normal
Twins and Multiples: When you have more than one bun in the oven
~Choosing a Cesarean: When You Feel a Cesarean is Right For You

Pregnancy: Everything from conception before birth
A guide to everything from exercise and nutrition to hiring your care team and creating your birth plan. Click on the headings and they will take you to the section you want to look up.
~Planning and Preparing in Pregnancy: Planning an Empowered Birth from the start
Informed Choice: Understanding Our Rights to Bodily Autonomy
Choosing a Care Provider: Beyond the Midwife/Doctor Debate
Midwifery Care: Everything you need to know about midwives
Doula Support: The Birth "Sherpas"
Birth Trauma: Recognition and Healing
~Your Health and Wellness: Giving You and Baby Your Best Chance
Nutrition: Eating well for pregnancy and an empowered birth
Weight Management: What to know about weight gain
Managing Pregnancy Discomfort: Aches & pains, Morning sickness, bloating, constipation, heartburn and more
~You and Your Baby: What to Expect
First Trimester: The first 3 months and what to expect
Second Trimester: The middle 3 months and what to expect
Third Trimester: The last 3 months and what to expect
~Common Tests and procedures in Pregnancy: Making Informed Decisions
Membrane Stripping/Sweeping: What you need to know before you agree to a sweep
Vaginal Exams/Cervical Checks: Understanding the option of a vaginal exam before and during labour
GBS Testing: Risks and benefits of testing and alternative treatments for prevention
Glucose Tolerance Test: Risks and benefits of testing, alternative options, and prevention
~Complications and Variations in Pregnancy: When You're "High Risk"
Advanced Maternal Age: When you're over 35
Grand Multiparity: The Well-Seasoned Mama of 4 kids and counting.
Large for Gestational Age: When they tell you that your baby is "large for dates"
Small for Gestational Age: When they tell you that your baby is "small for dates"
Low Fluid: When amniotic fluid levels are guessed to be too low
Group B Strep: When your GBS test comes up positive
Gestational Diabetes: When your Glucose Tolerance Test is positive
Hypertension, Pre-Eclampsia, and Liver Problems: When you have high blood pressure or complications from high blood pressure.
Placenta Complications: When the placenta's functioning or positioning is in question
Breech Babies: The other variation of normal
Twins and Multiples: When you have more than one bun in the oven
Planning and Preparing in Pregnancy:
Planning an Empowered Birth from the start
Everything you need to know about your rights, healing from Birth Trauma, hiring your care team, and creating your birth plan. Click on the Links in the Contents to go to your chosen section.
Informed Choice: Understanding Your Rights to Bodily Autonomy
Confused about whether you’re “allowed” to do something or refuse a test, procedure, or intervention? Here’s everything you need to know about Informed Choice and your rights to bodily autonomy. *Note* If a link is not working please contact us at Hello@EmpoweringMomsBirth.com. Let us know the exact name and section where you found the broken link so we can fix it.
Informed Consent for Canadian Parents
Consent: A guide for Canadian Physicians ~This is long, but outlines ALL the details of Informed Consent as presented to physicians in Canada. Especially important to note: “Our courts have reaffirmed repeatedly a patient’s right to refuse treatment even when it is clear treatment is necessary to preserve the life or health of the patient. Physicians must at the same time explain the consequences of the refusal without creating a perception of coercion in seeking consent.” This handbook outlines the Canadian laws of Informed Consent and Refusal. (Published May 2006, Updated June 2016)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.cmpa-acpm.ca/en/advice-publications/handbooks/consent-a-guide-for-canadian-physicians
Informed Consent and Refusal in Obstetrics: A Practical Ethical Guide- Andrew Kotaska MD~ A Canadian Doctor weighs in on the ethical issue of true Informed Consent. If you read only one article on Informed Consent, let it be this one! (Published March 2017).
Copy/Paste this link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/birt.12281
Official Statement of Informed Consent in Ontario~ Applies to Canadian law on informed consent.
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.cpso.on.ca/Physicians/Policies-Guidance/Policies/Consent-to-Treatment
Healthcare Consent Act~ Another Canadian law of Informed Consent, as written in the Healthcare Consent Act.
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/96h02
Many Women and Providers Are Unprepared for an Evidence Based, Educated Conversation About Birth~ Findings from recent Canadian studies on the knowledge and beliefs about birth practices among first-time pregnant women and among obstetricians and other birth providers indicate that many women are inadequately informed and many providers deliver non-evidence-based maternity care. Consequently, informed decision making is problematic for pregnant women and their providers. Journal of Perinatal Education (Fall 2011)
Copy/Past this link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3210636/
Introducing “Baby Pause”: safer care for new moms and babies~ An initiative by Fraser Health BC to include mothers in the overall decision making, however the article seems to imply that the mother would only be informed of what the plan of action is that was agreed upon through the medical team’s discussion. BC PSLC Central. (July 2, 2014).
Copy/Paste this link: http://bcpslscentral.ca/introducing-baby-pause-safer-care-for-new-moms-and-babies/
Canadian Women Feel Excluded From Their Own Childbirth Decisions~ Very few women feel they have a say in the care they receive from their healthcare team, according to a new study from the University of British Columbia’s Birthplace Lab and the B.C. Women’s Hospital and Health Centre. The Huffington Post (March 6, 2018)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/childbirth-decisions_ca_5cd53c4ce4b07bc7297613a8
Informed Consent for American Parents
Refusal of Medically Recommended Treatment~ ACOG’s statement on a patient’s right to refuse treatment. ACOG (June 2016)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2016/06/refusal-of-medically-recommended-treatment-during-pregnancy?utm_source=redirect&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=otn
ACOG to Docs: Women’s Right to Say “No” Comes First~ ACOG reinforces the fact that women have a right to say NO in childbirth and be respected. Birth Monopoly (May 31, 2016)
Copy/Paste this link: https://birthmonopoly.com/no/
New ACOG Statement Says Forcing Treatment on Pregnant Women is Unethical~ ACOG had to make a statement on something that should have been obvious. Mothering (June 10, 2016)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.mothering.com/threads/new-acog-statement-says-forcing-treatment-on-pregnant-women-is-unethical.1624464/
Informed Consent for International Parents
Maternal Decision Making~ The Australian Medical Association (AMA) also recognizes the rights of mothers to make their own medical decisions. AMA (March 28, 2013)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.ama.com.au/position-statement/maternal-decision-making-2013
Generalized Articles and Resources for Informed Consent and Your Rights
The Experiences of Women, Midwives, and Obstetricians When Women Decline Recommended Maternity Care: A Feminist Thematic Analysis~ A great article from Bec Jenkinson’s PhD. It is so difficult for women to decline recommendations and be respected and supported. The line in the sand should be drawn by the woman not clinicians. Science Direct (September 2017)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0266613817303509
Humanizing Birth: Does the Language We Use Matter?~ “Although eyes may roll at the thought of “political correctness gone mad,” the change is well founded. Firstly, intrapartum care must keep in pace with and reflect changes in societal norms and expectations. While some may mourn the days when the doctor was in charge and their advice was gratefully received and unchallenged, there are now multiple, alternative sources of healthcare advice available to women both before and after consultations. With improved knowledge among women and a renewed recognition of respect for human rights in childbirth, comes an equalisation of status between doctor and woman. [2] To recognise this, the guideline envisages “a culture of respect for each woman” and the clinician should “ensure that the woman is in control of and involved in what is happening to her, and recognise that the way in which care is given is key to this.” [1] The role of birth attendant is no longer “owner” of the situation but “facilitator” of the health services.” The BMJ Opinion (February 8, 2018)
Copy/Paste this link: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2018/02/08/humanising-birth-does-the-language-we-use-matter/
Dear OB, It’s Not Your Vagina~ It’s not hard to obtain informed consent, yet too many care providers perform vaginal exams and procedures without getting it. Amy Wright Glenn points out the problem with this thinking. Philly Voice (January 13, 2017)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.phillyvoice.com/dear-ob-its-not-your-vagina/
Dear OB, It’s Not Your Vagina pt. 2~ Part 2 of Amy Wright Glenn’s article. (January 31, 2017)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.phillyvoice.com/dear-ob-its-not-your-vagina-part-two/
During Childbirth, Enduring the Patriarchy Was the Hardest Part~ After nine months of misogynistic language from doctors and nurses, it’s easy to forget that you’re the decision-maker about your own body. Yes Magazine (November 2, 2017)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.yesmagazine.org/health-happiness/2017/11/02/during-childbirth-enduring-the-patriarchy-was-th-hardest-part
No One Is Free From Harm: When a Family Member Has to Coordinate the Patient’s Care~ Not directly birth related, but highlights the importance of informed consent and patient advocacy. Modern Healthcare (April 24, 2014)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20180424/NEWS/180429960/no-one-is-free-from-harm-when-a-family-member-has-to-coordinate-the-patient-s-care
Pregnant Women Should Have Much More Control in the Delivery Room, New Report Says~ The WHO guidelines once again point out what should have been obvious from the start: women should have control of the decision making in their care during childbirth. Insider (February 15, 2018)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.insider.com/new-who-guidelines-women-in-labor-should-have-more-control-in-decision-making-2018-2
Hospital Birth Classes Are Sabotaging Women’s Birth Plans, Say Midwives~ Are hospital-sponsored birth classes teaching about BIRTH, or how to be a “good patient” in the hospital? Belly Belly Birth Blog (January 6, 2018)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.bellybelly.com.au/birth/hospital-birth-classes-sabotaging-womens-birth-plans-say-midwives/
You’re Not Allowed to Not Allow Me!~ A statement of truth to share with anyone who thinks they aren’t “allowed” evidence based practices in their hospital or with their doctor due to “policy”. Birth Monopoly (June 17, 2014)
Copy/Paste this link: https://birthmonopoly.com/allowed/
Why We Need to Stop Saying “Let”~ Language matters. Here’s why we need to ditch this word when we talk about birth, and correct others who use it. Modern Alternative Mama (February 19, 2016)
Copy/Paste this link:
Hospital Policy: Not The Same As Road Rules~ You MUST follow the rules of the road, but hospital policies are not law. Whole Woman (March 8, 2016)
Copy/Paste this link:
Art of Deception in Obstetrics: Deformed Consent~ “When a provider seeks informed consent, it means that refusal is also an option. If you don’t get the idea that there is space in the doctor-patient relationship, in this conversation, for you to say “no,” then it’s not informed consent.” Better Birth Blog (November 6, 2017)
Copy/Paste this link: https://betterbirthblog.org/art-deception-obstetrics-deformed-consent/
Birth: Who is the Boss, You or Your Doctor?~ When power struggles favor on the side of the care provider, problems arise for the birthing person. Whole Woman (January 9, 2016)
Copy/Paste this link:
A Doctor’s Compelling Letter About the State of Maternity Care~ Dr. Chavira points out to his colleagues that it is ALWAYS the mother who should be making the decisions in her care. Improving Birth (August 31, 2016)
Copy/Paste this link: https://improvingbirth.org/2016/08/doctorsletter/
“She’s Screaming Stop”: Forced Procedures Are Assault~ You have the right to refuse a procedure. You have the right to change your mind before or even during a procedure. If the care provider ignores your request to stop, THAT IS ASSAULT. Birth Monopoly (December 6, 2018)
Copy/Paste this link: https://birthmonopoly.com/shes-screaming-stop-forced-procedures-are-assault/
15 Things The Hospital is Never Allowed to Forbid You To Do~ Hospital policies don’t overrule your rights. Baby Gaga (March 2, 2017)
Copy/Paste this link: https://www.babygaga.com/15-things-the-hospital-is-never-allowed-to-forbid-you-to-do/
The Problem With Implied Consent~ In this episode of Birth Allowed Radio, we talk about what it means to say no to a procedure in the delivery room, when and if implied consent overrides refusal, and who is the boss of your body. Birth Monopoly (October 20, 2017)
Copy/Paste this link: https://birthmonopoly.com/ep-14/
Informed Consent, with Cristen Pascucci~ A Birthful podcast on informed consent with the founder of Birth Monopoly. Birthful (February 17, 2017)
Copy/Paste this link: https://birthful.com/podcast-informed-consent/
Choosing a Care Provider: Beyond the Midwife/Doctor Debate
Midwife, Family Doctor, or Obstetrician? The decision is more nuanced than you think. Here’s everything we have so far on the subject of choosing your care provider.
*Note* If a link is not working please contact us at Hello@EmpoweringMomsBirth.com. Let us know the exact name and section where you found the broken link so we can fix it.
Hiring Your Care Provider
Dutch Research Shows Communication is Crucial in Childbirth~ Despite what most may think, it’s not the physical pain or serious medical interventions that make childbirth so intensely challenging. According to new Dutch research, it’s actually the lack of clear communication and emotional support that determines how traumatic the childbirth experience turns out to be. I Am Expat (June 9, 2017)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.iamexpat.nl/expat-info/dutch-expat-news/dutch-research-shows-communication-crucial-childbirth
How to Find an OBGYN Provider Who Embraces Your Approach~ Pregnancy should be filled with happy preparations and hope for the future. One of the best ways to ensure that your prenatal care, birth, and postpartum care go smoothly is to find an OBGYN you like and trust. Feeling safe and comfortable with your obstetrician will help generate a positive experience for you and your growing family. Here are some tips and advice to guide you. Dignity Health (May 10, 2017)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.dignityhealth.org/articles/how-to-find-an-obgyn-provider-who-embraces-your-approach
New Intrapartum Care Guideline from the World Health Organization Focuses on a Positive Childbirth Experience~ Notably, the guideline recommends respectful maternity care and companionship of choice during labor and childbirth for all women. WHO also states that unnecessary medical procedures should be avoided if labor is progressing normally and the woman and her baby are in good condition. The Maternal Health Task Force (February 15, 2018)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.mhtf.org/2018/02/15/new-intrapartum-care-guidelines-from-the-world-health-organization-focus-on-a-positive-childbirth-experience/
Do Provider Birth Attitudes Influence Cesarean Delivery Rate: A Cross-Sectional Study~ A study finds a link between cesarean birth for a first time mother with a single head-down baby and their attitude toward birth. More evidence to choose your provider carefully. BMC (May 29, 2018)
Copy/Paste link: https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-018-1756-7
10 Questions to Help You Choose a Care Provider~ Be sure to ask these important interview questions. Fit Pregnancy article (no date posted)
Copy/Paste link: https://web.archive.org/web/20160313192600/https://www.fitpregnancy.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-health/10-questions-help-you-choose-care-provider
The Cost of Assuming Your Doctor Knows Best~ While it’s important to have a good care provider, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also question them when something doesn’t feel right. Wbur (November 13, 2017)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2017/11/13/diagnostic-medical-error-mistake-vinita-parkash
Low Intervention Birth: 6 Questions to Ask Care Providers~ Improving Birth article, US-based but has some good tips on what to ask a care provider in order to determine whether they are supportive of physiological birth. (2019)
Copy/Paste link: https://improvingbirth.org/2019/03/low-intervention-birth/
Don’t Feel Supported By Your OBGYN or Midwife? Leave~ A mother changes practices in the second and third trimesters for her pregnancies. (Babies Rabies, February 23, 2017)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.babyrabies.com/2017/02/dont-feel-supported-by-your-obgyn-or-midwife-leave/
Twelve Signs You Can Trust Your Care~ Here are the 12 signs you can trust your care provider/what to look for when interviewing CPs. Improving Birth (November 6, 2014)
Copy/Paste link: https://improvingbirth.org/2014/11/trust/
8 Red Flags That You Are With The Wrong Care Provider~ Do you see any of these red flags? Improving Birth (June 2, 2014)
Copy/Paste link: https://improvingbirth.org/2014/06/red-flags/
Does Your Doctor Hate It When You Google?~ Can we really blame patients for Googling? For taking some responsibility for their own health? For not wanting to make decisions in blind faith? Improving Birth (August 22, 2016)
Copy/Paste link: https://improvingbirth.org/2016/08/when-you-google/
Obstetric Lie #94: We Care About Your Birth Plan~ If a care provider makes you feel like you NEED a birth plan to protect you, then you are with the wrong care provider (and they probably won’t follow your birth plan). Mama Birth (March 18, 2011)
Copy/Paste link: https://web.archive.org/web/20160112173859/http://www.mamabirth.com/2011/03/obstetric-lie-94-we-care-about-your.html
Stop! I Want to Get Off the Conveyor Belt of Birth~ If you are pregnant and reading this, it is my most sincere hope that you understand that you do not have to be dragged along the conveyor belt of birth. You have options and you can make really good choices for your birth. You will have a more positive experience and that is your RIGHT. It is okay to have high expectations of your birth. It is okay to want more than to come out of your birth alive and with a healthy baby. That is the absolute bare minimum that you should expect. That is a given. BirthWell BirthRight (March 2018)
Copy/Paste link: http://birthwellbirthright.com/stop-want-get-off-conveyor-belt-birth/
Thanks to the Patriarchy for Standing Back~ “Had he waltzed in and declared it too dangerous, it would have been show over, slice away. Luckily, the dude saw this birth for what it was; urgent but not critical — he was not needed.” Romper (October 18, 2018)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.romper.com/p/thanks-to-the-patriarchy-for-standing-back-12255678
Who Delivered Your Baby?~ Ashley Greenwald Tragash talks about how this type of language disempowers the mother as the one birthing her baby and puts focus on the care provider. Ted Talks on Youtube (February 14, 2017)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8CU7QqYsGE&feature=youtu.be
All About Midwives
Does a Larger Role for Midwives Mean Better Care?~ A new study, a systematic look at what midwives can and can’t do in the states where they practice, offers new evidence that empowering them could significantly boost maternal and infant health. The five-year effort by researchers in Canada and the U.S., published Wednesday, found that states that have done the most to integrate midwives into their health care systems. NPR (February 22, 2018)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.npr.org/2018/02/22/587953272/does-a-larger-role-for-midwives-mean-better-care
The Results Are In! Birth Centres = Better Outcomes~ According to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) study, Strong Start for Mothers and Newborns, individuals with Medicaid who received prenatal care in birth centers like The Midwife Center experienced better birth outcomes compared to the rest of the nation, on average.
Copy/Paste link: https://midwifecenter.org/news_posts/groundbreaking-cms-study-shows-better-outcomes-and-lower-costs-at-birth-centers?platform=hootsuite
Midwifery Care is Shown to Lead to Better Outcomes (again)~ Another study has shown that receiving pregnancy care from a midwife can reduce the chance of having problems (McRae et al 2018). This time, the focus was on women of low socioeconomic position and the researchers looked at three particular types of problem: having a small baby (described in the study as SGA, or small for gestational age), having a pre-term birth (PTB) and having a baby with a low birth weight (LBW). Dr. Sara Wickham (November 25, 2018)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.sarawickham.com/research-updates/midwifery-care/
Responsibilities in the Mother-Midwife Relationship~ What is your midwife's role in decision making? Rachel Reed lays it all out in this blog post. Midwife Thinking
Copy/Paste link: https://midwifethinking.com/2016/06/28/responsibilities-in-the-mother-midwife-relationship/
Bond Between a Mother and Midwife Key To a Happy Birth: Research~ Women who are cared for by the same midwife throughout their pregnancy are less likely to need intervention such a caesarian sections during labour and are less likely to report a traumatic birth, research has found. The Age (October 25, 2015)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/bond-between-mother-and-midwife-key-to-a-happy-birth-research-20151025-gkhrv5.html#ixzz3pnetMvvB
More Moms Considering Midwifery As An Option~ As more moms become aware that midwifery IS an option, more moms choose it over “traditional” birth. Coast Reporter (December 22, 2016)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.coastreporter.net/in-the-community/more-moms-considering-midwifery-as-an-option-3401347
9 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Midwife~ Pretty standard questions to ask for any care provider, with the exception of birth location. Today’s Parent (February 15, 2018)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.todaysparent.com/pregnancy/giving-birth/questions-to-ask-before-choosing-a-midwife/
Let Midwives & GPs Attend Low Risk Births~ These days, obstetricians attend nearly 70 percent of all low-risk births in Canada. And that number is growing, as they squeeze family doctors out of the delivery room. But a study just published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal says OBGYNs should not be the only option. And not just family doctors either. CBC (August 24, 2015)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/whitecoat/blog/let-midwives-gps-attend-low-risk-births-1.3201894
5 Things That Secretly Upset Your Midwife~ There are a lot of misconceptions about midwifery care that can discourage people from thinking they’re a valid and safe option. Generations Midwifery (August 29, 2016)
Copy/Paste link: http://generationsmidwifery.ca/5-things-that-secretly-upset-your-midwife/
The Quality of Care a Midwife Provides is Priceless~ Midwifery care is a personalized relationship in addition to evidence-based care. Mothering (June 13, 2016)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.mothering.com/threads/the-quality-of-care-a-midwife-provides-is-priceless.1624411/
Special Concerns for Marginalized Groups
On “Commonsense Childbirth”: A Q & A With Midwife Jennie Joseph~ A midwife works within the U.S. to make birth safer for women of color. Rewire (July 26, 2016)
Copy/Paste link: https://rewirenewsgroup.com/2016/07/26/commonsense-childbirth-qa-midwife-jennie-joseph/
Government of Canada Announces Funding for First Nations and Inuit Midwifery~ Our Indigenous women gain more options for maternity care. Cision (June 19, 2017)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/government-of-canada-announces-funding-for-first-nations-and-inuit-midwifery-629389663.html
For Canadian Families
New Brunswick to Bring Back Midwives In Pilot Project~ Health department to hire 4 midwives in the next year. CBC News (February 19, 2016)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/midwives-new-brunswick-1.3456420
Midwives to be Recognized as Healthcare Professionals in N.L.~ Newfoundland gets midwifery care. CBC News (April 28, 2016)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/midwifery-legislation-1.3557355
University of Manitoba Reaches Agreement on Midwifery Program with McMaster~ The University of Manitoba has reached an agreement with an Ontario school so that 14 midwifery students can continue studying this fall. CBC News (August 5, 2016)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-midwifery-mcmaster-1.3709466
Midwife Assoc. Pres Expects Growth~ Midwives are present at the birth of one in five B.C. babies, according to Bacon. But despite increasing popularity, the profession is still somewhat misunderstood. North Shore News (October 26, 2016)
Copy/Paste link: https://www.nsnews.com/living/midwife-assoc-pres-expects-growth-3041130
B.C. Calls the Midwife: Province Reports Highest Rate of Midwife-Assisted Births in Canada~ B.C. has the country’s leading rate in in midwife-assisted births, resulting in estimated government savings of $4.6 million in less than two years, a new report says. Vancouver Sun (October 28, 2016)
Copy/Paste link: https://vancouversun.com/health/family-child/b-c-calls-the-midwife-province-reports-highest-rate-of-midwife-assisted-births-in-canada
Midwifery Reaches Milestone With its 1000th Arrival— South Delta Midwifery assists in the birth of 1000 babies. Delta Optimist (March 29, 2017)
BC Now Has the Highest Rate of Midwife-Assisted Births in Canada— more women in BC are choosing midwives. CityNews (October 30, 2016)
Few Provinces Now Without Midwives As Services Begin in NB— New Brunswick joins the rest of the provinces in offering midwifery care to women. CTV News Atlantic (October 13, 2017)
Midwives Open Practice in Salmon Arm— The Shuswap region of the BC Interior adds midwifery as an option to residents. Salmon Arm Observer (December 11, 2017)
Midwives Set up Shop in Mile 0 City— Dawson Creek & District Hospital in Northern BC implements midwifery care in their options for pregnant women. The Mirror (January 16, 2018)
Why More Women Are Calling for Midwives in Kelowna— a brief history of how Canadian mothers/consumers gained access to midwifery services and more birth options. Kelowna Now (January 27, 2018)
6 Differences Between Using a Doctor and a Midwife— the difference between midwives and doctors in BC, specifically Abbotsford. Pictures taken at West Coast Health Collective. Creative Wife & Joyful Worker (April 4, 2018)