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Watch the Video Below for a Special One-Time Offer!
Here's everything you will get as a Gold participant during our Empowered Birth Workshop

Lifetime Access to the Full Recordings!
You won't have to worry about missing out on any of the training days or trying to play catch-up before everything comes down. You'll be able to go through this workshop as many times as you like, and best of all, you'll get it at a special one-time price that will ONLY be available for the duration of the Live classes!
Get Your Partner On Board! ($47 Value)
One of the most important and overlooked aspects of planning your birth is knowing how to get your partner to not only understand what you want, but also be able to effectively communicate it to your doula and care team while you're in labour. You'll never have to worry whether or not they will be able to advocate for you or be able to truly support you in labour once you learn these 5 secrets, and you won't even have to drag them to a prenatal class or have them read a bunch of pregnancy books to do it!
Your Empowered Birth Plan Roadmap ($14.97 Value)
A companion E-book to help you as you write your birth plan and prepare for your pregnancy and birth journey that outlines the 3 biggest mistakes you'll want to avoid in writing your birth plan and what to focus on instead.