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How to Plan and GET Your Dream Birth in 5 Easy Steps!
Are you planning a natural birth and want to make sure your care team sticks to the plan, AND make it so simple to read that it's virtually so "idiot-proof" that a child could follow it?
Watch this quick video and learn the art of writing your Empowered Birth Plan without having to do a ton of research or ask the mom groups what to put in it.
Plus, I'll reveal the #1 Biggest Mistake when it comes to planning a natural birth!
Get your complimentary e-course by entering your name and email in the box below. We will also send you additional tips on how to plan and get your amazing, true natural birth experience and you'll avoid making the biggest mistakes or falling into the "Natural Birth Traps" that derail your birth plan.

In this 5-day workshop you will learn...
The biggest misconception about natural birth and why it sets you up for a c-section, induction, or highly medicalized version of birth you wanted to avoid
The biggest mistakes you're making when writing out your birth plan and what to do instead
The 5 things that will make or break your birth
The biggest traps that you can fall into when you first start planning your birth
And many more secrets from a doula, childbirth educator, and a mom who has been right where you are now and learned the hard way what NOT to do!
Why Most Natural Birth Plans Go Out the Window
Could you be robbed of your true natural birth experience?
Maybe it already happened to you, or you have just heard so many horror stories that you're worried you won't dilate, won't go into labor "on your own" or something will "go wrong" and you'll have to have a c-section.
If this is your experience or even your greatest fear, then let me tell you something you might not realize: you're not alone.
In fact, this is the experience of many of the women I've helped over the last decade and it happened to me, too.
I thought I was doing everything "right". I read the books, took the classes, hired a doula and a midwife, planned a homebirth...and I almost got tricked into a c-section I didn't want or need for reasons I'll tell you about later.
Many of my friends and other women I've connected with weren't so lucky.
Actually, that's why I'm here. I got super fed-up with seeing those stories all the time and I wanted to do something about it that would actually help. I dug DEEP into what was happening, and I identified some huge problems with how birth is being taught and how moms even plan their births.
Here's one of the BIG secrets I discovered...
Too often moms make some critical mistakes that lead to them getting the exact kind of nightmare birth experience they were trying to avoid.
That's because the reason most birth plans fail has to do with these common mistakes you could be making without even realizing it!
The biggest one is waiting until the end of your pregnancy to write your plan!
If you're waiting until the final months to start thinking about writing your birth plan, it's almost too late!
This is like waiting until the night before to write a college essay or term paper or to study for a final exam (are you flashing back to your days in college and university right now too? Because I am)!
What happens if you wait is that you'll find out that your chosen doctor or midwife might not be as open to your birth plan as you thought, and you'll scramble to either find a new care provider all the while knowing you could give birth any day now, or you'll try to find a bunch of articles and resources to convince them to let you have what you want.
Most often, you end up giving in to their preferences and you compromise just to keep the peace.
This then leads to you agreeing to exams and tests you didn't want, birthing in the hospital even if you really feel more comfortable staying home, or even inducing your labor because they don't "let you" go a certain number of days past your due date.
You're fighting, begging, and compromising on what should be the most amazing day of your life!
The other big problem I see is that most moms rely on checklists, templates, and "sample birth plans" to create their own plan.
Now, if you're at the beginning of your pregnancy this can be a helpful jumping off point, but most people wait until the last trimester to get these things, and then they're just picking off a bunch of different menus to try to piece together a plan that looks close to what they really want.
You don't want to do this, because when you're following someone else's map you can wind up falling into what I call the Natural Birth Traps. These are the things that undermine your confidence, sabotage your body's ability to birth, and lead to you thinking your body doesn't work so that you end up giving in to the pressure from the hospital staff, your care provider, and even your own partner!
Want to know how to fix this?
I've created this free mini-course that will help you create your own fail-proof birth plan; so you don't end up tossing it out the window the day you go into labor.
It will be delivered through email and you will receive a new tip each day with a quick exercise you can do to start writing your own customized birth plan WITHOUT having to do a ton of research and WITHOUT using a cookie-cutter checklist or template.
You will also hear stories from real moms who have used this simple system to create their own Empowered Birth Plans, and I'll also give you access to something else that will help you avoid those Natural Birth Traps once and for all and get the birth you really want, without having to fight, beg, or compromise.
Just put your name and email in the form below and make sure you check your inbox right away for your birth plan template and your free 5-day mini class designed to help you plan your amazing empowered birth and avoid all those traps I mentioned.
You will also get immediate access once you click the yellow button below!
Empowered Birth Success Story!
This "High Risk" mama had an unassisted hospital VBAC using this same birth plan system you're going to be learning over the next 5 days!

Jenni's Story​
Could you imagine having EVERY single risk factor stacked up against you and still achieve a completely natural birth where no one even touched you?
Up until a few years ago, Jenni had very much doubted it could be possible for her. With her first baby she already had been labeled "High Risk" not only because of her age (she was well over 35) but also because she had chronic high blood pressure.
Her OB booked her induction without even consulting her and it was just assumed that she was only getting what she "needed to know".
"And he felt I needed to know nothing," Jenni told me in one of our many sessions together.
Jenni had been fed up with the lack of transparency with her doctor and switched care to a midwife very late into her pregnancy, which helped her understand some of her options a little better, but she soon ran into other problems.
"I kept trying to ask questions at the hospital and find out what was going on, but no one was listening to me and they refused to let me even call my midwife."
The long and short of this story is that after going through a traumatic induction and being bullied by the medical system, Jenni had a cesarean and had been reeling from her birth experience.
"There had been no childbirth classes, but I'd hired a doula and a midwife and I read a lot of stuff on my own. It turns out I was reading the wrong things, and in the end none of what I read about natural birth was what I experienced."
I found Jenni in November of 2020, became her friend, and helped her get the support she needed to work through her trauma. At this point, as she was healing, she asked me "Carly, how do I take your classes?"
At first, Jenni only wanted to learn from me to process what had happened to her, so she could see it wasn't her fault and to move past it. She also wanted to help me in building a group program I had been thinking about creating.
She said she was probably never going to have another baby, because she was "too high risk" to have a natural birth, but that she wanted to help other moms do the same and to learn with them.
We ran our first Empowered Birth Workshop in April of 2021 and brought in her friend Lisa.
The next workshop in June 2021 we brought in Rebekah and by that point Jenni decided she had healed enough emotionally to go over her birth records again and write a formal complaint for how she was treated during her birth.
By September 2021 when we ran our next workshop, Jenni was thinking about having a baby in the next year or two.
By November 2021 she had moved up her timeline. She was actively trying to conceive.
By the end of November she was pregnant!
Not only did Jenni get past her fear of having another child after her previous traumatic experience, but she went into that pregnancy with her solid roadmap, using the same birth plan creation system that you're going to get in this free training series.
She also not only had her VBAC, it was completely unassisted in the hospital!
With this pregnancy she had these "risk factors" that would discourage a lot of moms into thinking their birth plan had to go out the window...
-41 years old
-Previous cesarean
-Postpartum Pre-Eclampsia with her first baby
-Chronic High Blood Pressure
-Gestational Diabetes
-Group B Strep Positive
And she was living in an area that has the highest rate of cesarean and low rate of VBAC success in the country! While Canada's cesarean rate is close to 1 in 4, BC has a rate closer to the U.S. at 1 in 3, and the Lower Mainland has the highest rate of cesarean in the province!
So with every odd stacked against her, Jenni had a completely natural birth and no one touched her. She didn't have to fight with anyone, beg permission, or compromise on her dream birth.
She GOT it!
That's how powerful this system is!
So if you want to know the secrets I taught Jenni, Rebekah, Lisa, and the other moms I've worked with in the 10 years I've been in the birth community, then drop your name and email in the form and click the button below to get instant access now!